Writing blog posts for my website was something I dreaded until I attended a webinar hosted by Ashley Doan (ashley@writergal.ca). I learned the structure and function of a blog post. Now I have the confidence and skills to write and publish my articles!

Why blog?

  • shows your expertise
  • provides value to clients
  • visitors stay on your site longer
  • builds your brand

There are 2 types of blogs:

  1. "Evergreen"
    • educational/"how to"
    • timeless content
  2. "Decaying"
    • event-based
    • stale-dated content

Both use the same structure:

 The Image - there are millions of stock images on the internet, many of which are free. Better yet, use one of your own.

The Headline -  which needs to capture the reader's attention, so use:

  • large font
  • a number (The Top 10 Reasons...)
  • "you" rather than "One/People/Folks"
  • a Keyword
  • fewer than 70 characters, including spaces
  • a sense of urgency (You NEED to Know...) to appeal to an emotion
  • embellishment, but remain truthful (Change your look, change your life)

Remember, the headline should capture the reader's attention and allude to the article's content.

The Introduction -  which lets the reader know what the post is about. Usually 1-2 sentences.

The Body - which explains/supports/expands on the introduction. Usually 3-4 paragraphs.

The Conclusion - which summarizes the article.

The "Call To Action" Button -  so readers can read more blogs or get more information by contacting your website.

Important style points of a blog post:

  • vary sentence length
  • keep paragraphs short
  • use connecting/transitional words
  • use point form
  • use sub-heading

Bottom line: readers will skim your blog (at least at first), so make your articles informative and easy to read.

I used to feel overwhelmed just thinking about blog topics. Ashley showed me how and where to find potential subjects:

  • use AI for ideas/inspiration
  • use FAQ's as topics
  • ask clients what they want to know
  • search competitor blogs and write on those topics
  • search keywords (on Google)

Use keywords

  • in Headline
  • in Body
  • in Meta description
  • in URL

Using keywords in your blog post dramatically improves Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Ashley's method for writing helped me relax and focus on my blogs:

  • Get comfortable
  • Create an outline
  • WRITE...anything that comes to mind
  • Rest, relax and regroup, and then edit
  • Publish
  • the blog can always be re-edited to correct/include/exclude information

What's Important:

  • Write your own material. AI can be useful for information and inspiration, but avoid publishing blogs provided exclusively by Artificial Intelligence. There's something vaguely phony about AI-authored material, and readers can detect it.
  • Keep blog posts short (under 1.000 words)
  • Share snippets of blog articles to your social media accounts. Include a link to your website.
  • Blogs are for educating. Don't use a blog to overtly sell your product or service.
  • Keep writing and publishing articles. Websites that regularly publish content rank higher on Google. It also lets folks (and Google) know there is a live person behind a website.

Remember, blog posts let folks know you, like you, and trust you, which translates into more clients and more sales.

"Blogging to Grow Your Business" Webinar
Presented by Small Business BC (www.smallbusinessbc.ca)
Hosted by Ashley Doan (ashley@writergal.ca)
Cost: CAD $30.45 (a business expense!)

Wise words from Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993)

Hankie from Cursive Kerchiefs